The Imperial Steps in the Mallorquin sun (left to right): Siegfried, Isaac Vitamin Baptiste, Laura Sparkx, with Lukas - photo Tomek Sierek
Are you ready??!!! Isaac Vitamin Baptiste & the Imperial Steps in hiphop action at Escola Global - photo Tomek Sierek ">
Isaac Vitamin Baptiste: locking with Laura Sparkx - photo Tomek Sierek
Isaac Vitamin Baptiste: locking with Laura Sparkx - photo Tomek Sierek
Locking is fun - photo Tomek Sierek
Laura Sparkx teaching locking - photo Tomek Sierek ">
Siegfried & us in Laura Sparkx’s locking class - photo Tomek Sierek
Popping duet, Siegfried and Lukas - photo Ursula E Pohl
Popping duet, Siegfried and Lukas - photo Ursula E Pohl
Thank you, dancers of the afternoon team - photo Tomek Sierek ">
Great fun at the morning session - photo Tomek Sierek
The Imperial Steps in the Mallorquin sun (left to right): Siegfried, Isaac Vitamin Baptiste, Laura Sparkx, with Lukas - photo Tomek Sierek
London calling Mallorca - in front of the impressive modern Escola Global building - photo Guido Hansen
Escola Global, stopping by between performances - photo Ursula E Pohl ">
Escola Global, looking into the music room from the recording studio - photo Ursula E Pohl
Earthink: Escola Global’s creative lab links the school to industry - photo Ursula E Pohl
Announcement of the VERY Mallorca street dance workshop in November - photo Tomek Sierek

Are you ready??!!! Isaac Vitamin Baptiste & the Imperial Steps in hiphop action at Escola Global - photo Tomek Sierek ">

Laura Sparkx teaching locking - photo Tomek Sierek ">

Thank you, dancers of the afternoon team - photo Tomek Sierek ">

Escola Global, stopping by between performances - photo Ursula E Pohl ">