Bovine breeding is one of the major source of deforestation in Amazonia - Photo: Florent Demarchez
Comunidade Moreira, in the heart of Amazonia, where the rubber tappers (seringueiros) live. - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">The Neem tree, grown alongside crops as natural insecticide. Drought resistant, it can grow in regions with an annual rainfall below 400 mm, and thrive on the merest trickle of water, whatever the quality. In India, the tree is variously known as Divine Tree, Heal All, Nature s Drugstore, Village Pharmacy and Panacea for all diseases. - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Cotton producer in the Nordeste. Ce que l homme a de plus profond, c est sa peau - Andre Gide - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Bovine breeding is one of the major source of deforestation in Amazonia - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">
Agro-ecological and diversified production allows the soil to regenerate, ensuring long time fertility - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Cotton producer's children in the Nordeste - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Daily life in Amazonia - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Cotton producer in the Nordeste. Working in dignity: art. 23 of the Human Rights - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">
Cotton producer in the Nordeste. A producer stands his ground and time - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Cotton producer in the Nordeste - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Beneficiamento de Castanha at Brasileia, a cajou nuts factory - cajou nuts are a major export product of the country - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Beneficiamento de Castanha at Brasileia, a cajou nuts factory - cajou nuts are a major export product of the country - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">
The television has taken an iconic place in the simple house - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Cotton producer in the Nordeste. Modern attraction - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Vida primeira - In Brazil, the respect of a certain rythm of life goes first before any job or obligation - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Deforestation is undermining the ecological balance in Amazonia with worldwide consequences - Photo: Florent Demarchez">
Comunidade Moreira, in the heart of Amazonia, where the rubber tappers (seringueiros) live. - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">The Neem tree, grown alongside crops as natural insecticide. Drought resistant, it can grow in regions with an annual rainfall below 400 mm, and thrive on the merest trickle of water, whatever the quality. In India, the tree is variously known as Divine Tree, Heal All, Nature s Drugstore, Village Pharmacy and Panacea for all diseases. - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Cotton producer in the Nordeste. Ce que l homme a de plus profond, c est sa peau - Andre Gide - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Bovine breeding is one of the major source of deforestation in Amazonia - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">
Agro-ecological and diversified production allows the soil to regenerate, ensuring long time fertility - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Cotton producer's children in the Nordeste - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Daily life in Amazonia - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Cotton producer in the Nordeste. Working in dignity: art. 23 of the Human Rights - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">
Cotton producer in the Nordeste. A producer stands his ground and time - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Cotton producer in the Nordeste - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Beneficiamento de Castanha at Brasileia, a cajou nuts factory - cajou nuts are a major export product of the country - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Beneficiamento de Castanha at Brasileia, a cajou nuts factory - cajou nuts are a major export product of the country - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">
The television has taken an iconic place in the simple house - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Cotton producer in the Nordeste. Modern attraction - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Vida primeira - In Brazil, the respect of a certain rythm of life goes first before any job or obligation - Photo: Florent Demarchez ">Deforestation is undermining the ecological balance in Amazonia with worldwide consequences - Photo: Florent Demarchez">