RiverBlue - Trailer One from RiverBlue on Vimeo.
All nature and life surrounding the factories is destroyed - movieshot from RiverBlue ">Piles of death and destruction - movieshot from RiverBlue ">The workers wade in poison, unprotected - movieshot from RiverBlue ">It is often underage children who work here, life expectancy is short - movieshot from RiverBlue ">It is often underage children who work here, life expectancy is short - movieshot from RiverBlue ">This is the environment created by the manufacture of our clothes. How can we justify participating in fast fashion? - movieshot from RiverBlue ">
Living and working in toxic filth, drinking and washing with poisonous water - movieshot from RiverBlue ">No being can withstand this deadly environment for long - movieshot from RiverBlue ">Rivers are traditionally a life-source. Not so here… these waters are streams of poison, killing directly and indirectly by infiltrating the food chain - movieshot from RiverBlue ">The fashion apocalypse - let’s start reversing the wheel, and it needs to be NOW - movieshot from RiverBlue ">