Henry Ford presenting his model in biodegradable plastic made from organic materials including industrial hemp, 1941 - screenshot from original footage
Henry Fords natural plastic hemp-fuelled car: modern, affordable and ecological - screenshot from original footage
Henry Ford loved nature and considered the ecological impact of cars on the planet by their use as well as the well-being of farmers and the land by their manufacture - screenshot from original footage
Natural (hemp-) plastic is lightweight and its resistance to impact 10 times stronger than steel - screenshot from original footage
...hammering onto the natural plastic with an axe doesn’t leave a mark… - screenshot from original footage
The models were manufactured to run on hemp-ethanol: bio-plastic and bio-fuel - screenshot from original footage
Hemp grows tall without pesticides or fertilizers - on the contrary, it actually fertilises the soil - is efficient and cost effective. Henry Ford featured next to hemp fields on his estate - screenshot from original footage ">
Indeed. Why, just why??? - photo Tomek Sierek
Growing cars… bio mass versus fossil fuels - Popular Mechanics, 1941
10 times stronger and […] one thousand pounds lighter than a comparable steel car… - Popular Mechanics, 1941
[…] 70% cellulose fibre - wheat straw, hemp and sisal - and 30% resin binder […] - New York Times, 1941
Hemp composite is as strong as the fiberglass in boats, yet incredibly lightweight, Nathan Armstrong, Motive Industries, Quebec 2014 - National News Canada, 2014

Hemp grows tall without pesticides or fertilizers - on the contrary, it actually fertilises the soil - is efficient and cost effective. Henry Ford featured next to hemp fields on his estate - screenshot from original footage ">

![10 times stronger and […] one thousand pounds lighter than a comparable steel car… 10 times stronger and […] one thousand pounds lighter than a comparable steel car…](../../../../../images/stories/issue20/hfcar/thumbs/hf10.jpg)
![[…] 70% cellulose fibre - wheat straw, hemp and sisal - and 30% resin binder […] […] 70% cellulose fibre - wheat straw, hemp and sisal - and 30% resin binder […]](../../../../../images/stories/issue20/hfcar/thumbs/hf11.jpg)